Weird Science (AKA: Blinded by the light)
If You Like Pina Coladas (AKA: Getting caught in the rain)
I Come to Suck Your Blood! (AKA: Scary stories)
Have You Heard the Buzz? (AKA: What's biting me)
Holiday Season! (AKA: Celebrate good times)
What Did You Just Call Me? (AKA: Flamethrowers and dragons)
Double Duty (AKA: Working hard)
Bite Me (AKA: Just stop already)
Take that Nostradamus! (AKA Pudge controls the weather)
Seven Swans a’Swimming (WTF with all the birds?)
I Was Today Years Old...(AKA: Old dog, new tricks)
10 Questions with a Pro (AKA:
Have Blood to Spare? (AKA: Halloween is the best)
You Don’t Know Karst (AKA: Bring out your dead!)
Ten Questions With a Pro! (AKA: Let's do science!)
Making People Flocking Mad (AKA: Ruffling some feathers)
Taking a Break with Pests (AKA: Bugging out on work)
Wait…What? (AKA: Is it that time of year already?)
A Rose by Any Other Name (AKA: Whooo are you?)
Predicting the future (AKA: Pudge controls the weather)